These so-called induced pluripotent stem cells, or IPS cells, could now become any cell. 这种所谓的诱导多潜能干细胞,缩写是:IPS细胞,现在可以变成任何类型的细胞。
These induced pluripotent stem cells are cells which are returned to a very early, undifferentiated stage. 这些干细胞是早期的、未分化的细胞。
Progress in reprogramming somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells 体细胞重编程为多能干细胞的研究进展
However, making the appropriate cells via induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs) requires reprogramming of somatic cells and subsequent redifferentiation. 然而,从IPS细胞制造合适的细胞将需要体细胞的重编程和随后的再分化。
Scientists have managed to induce cells from pigs to transform into pluripotent stem cells – cells that, like embryonic stem cells, are capable of developing into any type of cell in the body. 科学家已经把来自猪的细胞诱导转变成了多能干细胞&这种细胞就像胚胎干细胞一样,有能力发育成身体中的任何类型的细胞。
This is the first report in the world of the creation of domesticated ungulate pluripotent stem cells. 这是世界首次培育出驯化的有蹄类动物的多能干细胞。
The best proven approaches to creating new beating heart cells are using embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent cells and heart-derived stem cells. 最好的受到证明的产生新生心肌细胞的方法是利用胚胎干细胞,包括多潜能细胞和心脏衍生细胞。
Pluripotent cells can generate any cell type, but not an entire organism. 多功能细胞能够分化成任何细胞,却不能生成完整的器官。
Differentiation of embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes: progresses and perspectives 胚胎干细胞及诱导多能干细胞向心肌细胞分化和调控的研究进展
Studies on Transformation of Human Embryonic Pluripotent Stem Cells into Cardiomyocyte-like Cells 人胚胎多潜能干细胞向心肌样细胞转化的研究
The Application Prospect of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Animal Husbandry Production 诱导多功能干细胞在畜牧业生产中应用的研究进展
Medical applications of induced pluripotent stem cells called into question. 诱导多能干细胞的医学应用的质疑。
This paper reviewed the progress of new drug research of the directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and induced pluripotent cells. 本文主要综述胚胎干细胞、骨髓间充质干细胞、多能性诱导干细胞的定向分化在新药研发中的作用及研究进展。
Achieving a world first, scientists in China have induced cells from pigs to become pluripotent stem cells, which like embryonic stem cells are able to develop into any cell of the body. 中国科学家创造了一个世界第一,他们成功地诱导猪体细胞成为多能干细胞,如同胚胎干细胞,多能干细胞能够分化为机体各种细胞。
Its association with HCF-1 suggests an epigenetic mechanism of gene repression in pluripotent cells. 而在多能干细胞中磺胺吡啶与HCF-1的结合也表明了一种基因阻遏的表观遗传机制。
Pluripotent stem cells hold significant promise in regenerative medicine due to their unlimited capacity for self-renewal, and potential to differentiate into any cell type of the body. 多能干细胞因为具有无限的自我更新能力和分化潜力,是再生医学的重要研究对象。
While iPS cells may be even further from commercialisation than embryonic stem cells as direct therapy for patients, there are more immediate applications for pluripotent cells in research and development. 虽然与胚胎干细胞相比,诱导多能性细胞距直接用于病人治疗的商业化更为遥远,但诱导多能性细胞在研究和开发中却有更直接的应用。
This is the first time anyone in the world has made pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells ( as opposed to germline cells such as sperm and eggs) from an ungulate ( an animal that has hooves). 这是首次有人报道从偶蹄类动物(即有偶数个蹄的动物)的体细胞(与生殖细胞如精子和卵子相对应)培育出多能干细胞。
These embryonic stem cells are the pluripotent cells, meaning they can turn into many ( sometimes all) other sorts of cell. 这些胚胎干细胞是多功能细胞,意味着他们可以演变成许多其他种类(有时所有种类)的细胞。
The ethical advantage of making pluripotent stem cells without involving an actual embryo is obvious. 制造不涉及真正胚胎的多能性干细胞的伦理优势很明显。
Objective: To understand the changes in hematopoietic growth factor receptors during erythroid differentiation of pluripotent cells. 目的:了解多潜能造血祖细胞向红系分化过程中造血因子受体的改变。
Embryonic germ ( EG) cells are pluripotent cells derived from primordial germ cells ( PGCs) of gonads, gonadal ridges and mesenteries, analogies of fetuses, with the ability to undergo both highly self-renewal and multiple differentiation. 胚胎生殖(EG)细胞是来源于胚胎原始生殖细胞(PGCs)的多潜能干细胞。
Here we review the progress of research regarding embryonic pluripotent cells, early germ cells and ESC. 综述了胚胎多能性细胞、早期生殖细胞和ESC的研究进展及相互关系,发现ESC可源于多种细胞类型。
Embryonic stem ( ES) cells are pluripotent cells with the potential to give rise to all three primary germ layers of the embryo. 胚胎干细胞具有分化成三胚层细胞的潜能。
Embryonic stem ( ES) cells are pluripotent cells derived from inner cell mass ( ICM) of fertilized eggs. 胚胎干细胞(Embryonicstemcell,EScell)是来源于受精卵内细胞团(innercellmass,ICM)的多能细胞。
During the development of rat embryo, Oct-3/ 4 is expressed in only totipotent and pluripotent cells. 在小鼠胚胎发育过程中,Oct-3/4基因只在全能和多能细胞中表达。
The pluripotent cells produced by this technology are named induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs). 诱导多能干细胞技术产生的多能干细胞被称为诱导型多能干细胞。
Induced pluripotent cells ( iPSCs) from terminally differentiated somatic cells have many therapeutic applications, particularly in the context of drug screening, in vitro disease modeling and cellular replacement therapies. 诱导多能性干细胞,具有广泛的应用前景,特别是在药物筛选,体外疾病模型和干细胞替代治疗方面给人们带来了无限的希望。
ES cells are pluripotent cells derived from pre-implanted embryos. ES细胞是由着床前胚胎中分离获得的胚胎多能干细胞。